Purely Prana’s inspiration came from my love for Shiloh, the dog that I am honored to have saved while spending time in Bali.
All involved in its production are conscious beings. Shiloh, who had many problems that required medical attention, also had a very painful skin infection. I was lucky to have met Hui, who worked with a veterinarian, who used Ozone Therapy to heal elephant wounds. She gave me oxygenated infused water to use on Shiloh and within 3 weeks his skin was fully healed and his gentle spirit had come to life. It is a long journey to take a dog out of Bali, and so I had to find Shiloh a loving home in Bali. Hui already had 3 dogs and was not intending on taking in a 4th, however, things were looking hopeless for Shiloh, so she took him in.
One day while I was visiting Shiloh at Hui’s, I saw that she had an Ozone Generator which she was using to make skin care products for humans. Her organic oils are oxygenated, bringing vitality and nutrients to our skin, our largest organ. She had gifted me her products and we parted ways. I’d been using Purely Prana for 6 months and noticed a drastic change in my skin. The texture was smoother, my brown spots had disappeared, fine lines around my eyes and mouth had vanished, my skin had a supple, youthful glow and I looked younger! In an inspirational moment, I recognized that though I couldn’t take Shiloh home, I could bring Purely Prana home.
Now comes the best part, I will donate 10% of the proceeds to ACT4balidogs, run by two dedicated girls who rehabilitate and home 70-100 dogs at a time. I’ve been following them for two years and they’re the real deal.